2020 will be remembered as a challenging year for South Africans around the country. Covid-19, a global pandemic started affecting many South Africans in March and as a result, South Africa went into a countrywide lockdown. The pandemic continued to spread and the need for increased sanitation was of utmost importance. The Department of Water and Sanitation put a plan into action to have approximately 20 000 water tanks delivered around South Africa to rural areas. Eco Tanks was extremely privileged to be one of several local water tank manufacturers working with the Department of Water and Sanitation to achieve this goal. Previously, many small villages in our country had no water other than the water that could be carried from a river or dam within the village or on the outskirts. The beauty of quality water tanks such as Eco Tanks, which come with a 10 year guarantee, is that these tanks will continue to make a substantial difference in these communities for many years to come even after Covid-19 is a distant memory.